
在线赌博为员工颁发奖项, years of service recognition

Alfred University held its 7th Annual All Employee Recognition Reception on Tuesday, 五月 7. The event—which honored retirees and employees for years of service—是 held in Ade Hall, 有点心和饮料.


凯茜·约翰逊服务奖, which recognizes high standards of professionalism; proactive engagement with tasks; and attention to detail and the utmost care for quality in presentation while completing tasks. 该奖项是以已故的凯茜·约翰逊命名的, 艺术与设计学院院长助理, 他于2017年11月去世,享年53岁.

2024年的冠军是 汤姆·乔治。 信息技术服务部网络服务经理.

One colleague who nominated George for the award cited his efficiency in meeting the high demands of his department. “Tom’s project planning and management is literally what keeps the University's digital infrastructure running. His hands are in almost all things Internet or technology related on campus,” the nominator wrote.

“Day after day Tom George professionally handles any requests that come through our department or by way of the ITS Help Desk with enthusiasm and intellect, and please know there are numerous requests with all sorts of oddities associated with them,另一位提名人补充道. “汤姆的推理能力, 判断, 洞察力, 观察结果超越了我们过去合作过的任何其他方法.”

Two other nominators cited George’s attention to detail in performing his duties.

“He is successful in completing detailed and quality work because of his experience with each kind of equipment and process,有人写道。. “He also has the desire to make everything the easiest it can be for everyone. He doesn't just care if things ‘work,’ he cares if they work seamlessly and to their full potential.”

Added another, “Tom is one of the most attention detailed people I've ever worked with. His ability to recall the complex processes 和程序 that run our campus infrastructure is beyond impressive and his ability to use technology as a tool while also being extremely pleasant and competent in his presentation and interactions is impressive and inspiring.”

2024年凯茜·约翰逊服务奖的其他提名者有: 阿曼达·克里斯,斯科尔斯图书馆馆际互借协调员; 水晶亨肖, executive assistant to the provost and chief operating officer, Provost’s Office; 黛布拉MacCrea, clinical instructor of performing arts and costume shop supervisor, Performing 艺术; 艾玛·麦克道尔、协调设施服务、设施服务; 珍妮特·林奇招生管理副校长行政助理; 约翰Hosford,斯科尔斯图书馆艺术馆员; 劳拉·格罗夫稻盛工学院院长行政助理; 肖恩Forshee, 设施及服务助理处长; S赫勒格兰特, administrative assistant for 本科 Art 项目, School of Art and Design; Val埃瓦尔德,高级采购员,采购; 扎克汉姆剧场设计临床副教授 & 表演艺术技术总监.

撒克逊服务奖, 哪些奖项会表彰培养积极态度的员工, 示范项目, 在在线赌博社区中脱颖而出, 展现了撒克逊人高贵高贵的精神. 2024年的冠军是 肖恩Forshee 设施及服务助理处长.


肖恩总是面带微笑. 他总是和蔼可亲,乐于助人. 始终保持积极的态度. I would say his disposition mirrors his colorful, sunny tie dye shirts,” wrote one.

Added another, “Shawn responds to requests with a smile, and ‘we can make that happen.’ The number of different tasks that the grounds crew is tasked with throughout the year is amazing and they are always out there making things pretty, 保证我们的安全, 布置我们的空间,移动我们的办公室.”

Others pointed to his willingness to help others and find solutions to problems.

“Shawn is always ready to problem solve and to facilitate,一位提名人写道. “He helps organize numbers of people across areas to bring an event together, 准备一个空间, 在特定情况下需要的任何东西.”

另一个, 注意到福希对细节的关注, 指着他每年为毕业典礼做的准备工作. “Shawn works closely with the Provost’s office but also with the grounds team to create a stunning, 这是我们毕业生难忘的场景. 舞台的编排是惊人的. And it always feels like it goes off without a hitch; I am sure that's not true, 但肖恩把事情弄得很顺利,所以一切都感觉天衣无缝.”

撒克逊服务奖的其他提名者科里·珀金斯, sculpture and dimensional studies technician, School of Art and Design, and 杰米•巴布科克助理副总裁,负责设施服务.

The 凯茜·约翰逊服务奖 and Saxon Service Award are supported by alumnus Wayne F. 冬青78.

Bob Condrate终身学习者奖, which recognizes employees who continually seek further education/professional development to enhance his/her growth; demonstrate a passion for gaining knowledge over a sustained period of time; and proactively share their knowledge and/or expertise with campus community. 该奖项以鲍勃·康德命名, retired professor of spectroscopy in the New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University. 孔蒂通过继续他的教育,树立了终身学习的榜样, having taken more than 250 credit hours of coursework after his retirement from the University. 该奖项由校友Jay Yedvab ' 56支持.

2024年的冠军是 凯文•亚当斯 赫里克纪念图书馆信息管理员. Nominators cited his dedication to Alfred University and willingness to go above and beyond to enhance the University experience for students and colleagues.

“Kevin teaches students himself and keeps up-to-date on the ever-shifting world of information literacy.  他继续发表文章, 或者研究它们, 和其他教授一起, 他自己也一样.  他还担任搜索委员会主席, 是几个会议规划委员会的成员, 去参加那些会议和其他会议,一位提名人写道. “终于, 他参加在线赌博的活动, 和程序, that 是 created to further both these--and works to create opportunities (both ongoing, 物理产品, (或事件).  他是一个积极的倾听者,并把他听到的放在心上, 实施变更和重定向, 根据需要.”

“他首先是一个具有信息素养的图书管理员, 谁在课堂上分享他的知识, 当学生们带着问题来找他时也是如此,另一个人写道. “他做过更正式的事情, 比如参加伯格伦论坛, 和其他教授进行非正式的谈话.  这些也可以变成演讲或论文.  He also teaches a proper formal class—aside from information literacy sessions) on the making of zines.  最后,除了招生,他还负责非盟的欢迎活动.”

写了一个, “校园里的学生都认得他, 有很高的期望, 结果很好, 他的.  他以教育者的身份提升了学生群体, 通过让他们自己学习, 这会影响他们生活中的其他一切吗, 无论是现在还是将来.  他也带来了快乐, 并在筒仓之间创造了交集, 通过他的可用性和激情.”

鲍勃·康纳特终身学习者奖的另一位提名者吉姆•Mighells 技师/机械师,机械工程.


一年格拉迪斯·亚伯拉罕特, 瑞秋Ahart, 约西亚·亚历山大,22岁, Karissa Allen-Grant, Nikta Amiri, 将阿什宝, Sheren Attal ' 11 MSED, ADVC”12, 托尼奥古斯汀, 杰米啤酒, 本尼Bermudez-Garcia, 妮可Bernsen, 梅格·伯恩斯坦, 凯文·布拉德利, Badru布鲁尔, 保罗·布里格斯, Tristen布里格斯, 亚伦Burdin, 安德鲁·该隐, 莫林Caschera, 艾米斯·克劳福德10岁, 卡洛琳Crisanti, 詹姆斯·卡明斯, 利亚卡明斯, 马克丹麦人, 林恩·杜威, Bernard Dolecki ' 14, 杰西卡·多纳, Deb排水, Baylee Durantini, 米凯拉Fendrock, 黛比Finamore-Flint, 艾丽·甘布尔23岁, 尼基绿色, 上海绿, 克洛伊汉森, 马迪根霍华德, 吉尔·哈伯德, 肖恩·艾萨克斯,09年, 罗德杰弗斯MSED ' 13, ADVC“13, Mehdi Kabirnajafi, 阿里尔凯莉, Myungkoo康, 哈坎Karaaytu, 麦特湖, 埃本利维, Jamall Lewis, 23岁, 卡罗尔·马西, 艾萨克Matson, Rosemarie马佐尼, 林赛·麦考伊,21岁, 斯科特麦克, 米兰达·梅特卡夫, 亨特·迈尔斯,23届MBA, 杰西卡·米勒, 斯科特·米尔斯, 本杰明·默尔顿, Alexis Nguyen 23岁, 蒂凡尼·诺兰23岁, Jeffrey Ormsby, 托马斯Orrange, Lizsandra Oeralta, 罗伯特管理员, Tammy Raub, 莫妮卡Reginio, 斯科特·理查森, 迈克尔Riina, 纱丽里维拉, 艾琳Schurr, Tausha斯科特, Ayush森古普塔, 凯西·谢尔曼, 玛丽谢尔曼, Audrea Sirianni, 蕾切尔Smith-Vaughan, 詹妮弗·雪, 阿丽萨斯蒂芬, 黛博拉管家, 艾丽卡强, 菲尔·萨顿, 跳过西尔维斯特, 萨曼塔塔夫脱, 艾玛Taggart, 约书亚·托马斯, 米歇尔Tichy, 凯文Trudell, 艾文·蔡安琪·维克多里诺, 卡罗尔Volpe, 鲍勃Wandover, 现任王, 玛吉·韦斯,20岁, 21届MBA, 22届Sierra Wilson.

五年Melissa Badeau, 98年, 主04年, 尼古拉斯·克罗斯比, 罗纳德·德姆查克, 琼Ellefson, 安吉莉Felber, 蒂姆·费迪南, 雪莱Freyn, Gabrielle gastad ' 04, J. 李则, 詹姆斯·汉森, 迈克尔·霍利, Yavuz Keceli; Doris Möncke, 杰森·莫里森, 马修·菲利普斯10, 莎拉·普拉特, 金伯利谢尔曼, 约翰·西明斯,84年, 博士90年, 德斯蒙德·华莱士, 库恩王, Lisa Weaver ' 97

十年切尔西·艾姆斯19岁, MBA的21, 戴夫·贝利, 莎拉的血液, 艾米·巴顿-欧文11届硕士, ADVC的14, 强烈的17, 莎拉象牙海岸, 特瑞纳弗雷伯格, •Ghotbi, 凯瑟琳·希尔曼,20岁, MBA的22, Meghen琼斯, Seong-Jin李, 阿曼达·李普尼基, 科里·珀金斯, 路易斯·罗德里格斯, 《在线赌博》, 比如西蒙·罗梅罗, 汉娜·汤姆森16届文学硕士, 苏木

十五年: 布瑞吉特好, 杰西卡Faughnan, 盖尔吉哈德, 苏珊Hendee, Sara Love ' 06, 黎明Pedersen-Hunt, 威廉•斯图尔特.

二十年: 威廉Contino, 安妮·康奈尔, 丹尼尔赢他, Jen Guarasci, Sangjoon李, 黛博拉·罗林斯, 吉姆Rumfelt, 梅丽莎·瑞恩, 罗伯特•斯坦.

25年: 塔拉Baghdadchi, Cheryld埃蒙斯, 杰弗里·赫尔伯特, Lee Hyojin, MS ' 98, 博士的22, Jeffrey Mulhollen, 卡罗尔Sliski, 马克怀特豪斯, 詹姆斯·惠特尼.

三十年: 杰米·巴布科克,安德鲁·多伊奇,桑德拉·辛格.

35年: Alix Clare, Karen Grice, 珍妮特·林奇, Cynthia Mullen MBA ’00, Donald Weinhart.

五十年: D. 韦恩Higby.

以下14位退休人员, with a combined 367 years of service—an average of just over 26 years—是 recognized: David De Graff, 天文学教授, 31 years; Sheila Decker, 应付帐款文员, 20 years; Cheryld埃蒙斯, 生物学教授, 24 years; Karen Fry, 办公室/仓库助理, 16 years; Kathy Harkenrider, 经济援助顾问, 43 years; Brenda Joyce, 副总裁的行政助理, five years; Judy Linza, 网站管理员, 40 years; Mary McAllister, 秘书, 总统办公室, 24 years; Walter McConnell, 陶瓷艺术教授,- 27 years; Kimberly O’Rourke, 健身中心办公室经理, 33 years; Karen Porter, 社会学教授, 37 years; Joseph Scheer, 版画教授, 34 years; Nadine Shardlow, 学生体验主任, 22 years; Dale Watson, 总, 11年.

Yedvab wrapped up the event by thanking employees for all they do for the University and its students.

“The devotion you show to the University is what makes it succeed,” Yedvab commented. “你是这个地方的勇气、心脏和灵魂. Alfred University could not function if you didn’t pitch in and get things done.”