BFA Thesis Exhibit

Emma Koehn


Artist Statement

Stage musicals are a powerful medium. The lyrics, choreography, set, props, costuming, lighting, 所有这些,甚至更多,都能承载如此多的意义. A musical does not have to be realistic, so the viewer can consume the message, 同时享受看故事的体验, sitting in a theater, glimpsing the stagehands, 在舞台上感受演员们对技艺的热情. 这种媒介是一种传统,但它是不断变化和发展的. In modernity, 年轻人以数字方式消费舞台音乐剧, mainly auditorily, perhaps never visually at all. In this way, it is versatile. It is both stationary and mobile. 它是传统与进步平衡的象征. 对我来说,观看音乐剧是一种传统,无论是视觉上还是听觉上. Growing up, 我妈妈和我有个传统,只要《在线赌博》在附近上映,我们就去看, 提前几周在车里播放演员专辑,为这个重要的日子做准备. Throughout college, musicals continue to help me relax, escape, 并通过对音乐的共同热爱与网上的人们建立联系, the story, and the characters. 作为一种媒介,我既希望消费它,也希望生产它. 过去,我一直在努力为自己的工作赋予意义, 但音乐剧的沉浸式复杂性让我能够创造性地、合乎逻辑地做到这一点, both things I value in a message. As an artist, 音乐剧帮助我进步和成长, 我想在我的作品中传达的信息是什么. 我的音乐剧《在线赌博》讲述的是年轻人如何把握自己的未来. 了解并拒绝世界上的不公平是进步的一部分, and just like a musical, 进步是复杂多变的. 它被影响人的事物所阻碍, like dishonest media, unprogressive attitudes, and personal insecurities. 通过人物的经历,探索了个人对进步的看法和更广阔的图景, 随着他们在整个故事中的成长和变化. 我的音乐剧是一部正在进行的作品,是为未来完成的故事做铺垫. A piece with so many facets, so many parts to consider, is never quite complete, and even once finished, a musical is ever changing. From performance to performance, it changes and grows, 就像《在线赌博》里的人物努力做到的那样.

鸟眼新闻- Take Wing音乐剧//视频// 00:03:11

Take Wing- Take Wing音乐剧//视频// 00:05:34