BFA Thesis Exhibit

Abby Krause


Artist Statement

艺术是一种联系和更好地理解他人的方式. 不幸的是,许多人觉得不舒服,没有资格观看或谈论艺术. My goal, as an artist, 是通过乐趣让自己与他人的联系更清晰, colorful, and nostalgic media. 我不喜欢用做作、媒介或预设的意义来限制自己. Through the use of glass, found objects, print, and mixed media works become light, lively, and playful. By using vivid, saturated colors; exciting patterns; bright lighting; and various textures/materials, 创作的作品既有趣又吸引人,既3D又2D. 任何事情都是为了让人们感到快乐,让生活不那么糟糕. 希望通过使用让我快乐的东西,其他人也能感到快乐.