
Tell your story.

我们的英语专业融合了两种文学的元素 & creative writing into a self-directed course of study that will develop your ability to think critically and communicate effectively. 英语系教师提供广泛的课程, from traditional British and American surveys to writing workshops in fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, and playwriting; from Women Writers to African American literature to Bob Dylan; and from Shakespeare to Gothic Lit to Literature & 环境,以及其他时期,类型和主题课程.


Campus Locations

Main Campus - Alfred, NY


English (BA)

Double Major

Double Major option(s) offered.
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  • 一门200级的文学课(知识领域“A”)
  • 英国文学概论1
  • 英国文学概论2
  • 美国文学概览
  • engl328文学艺术语言

Students choose the remaining 26 credits for the major from a range of upper-division seminars in literature and creative writing. Recent offerings include:

  • 英语475:写正式诗歌
  • 写短篇小说
  • ENGL 472: Dramatis Personae
  • 美国文学中的社会阶级
  • 英语461:21世纪文学
  • 纪录片和纪实小说
  • ENGL 460: Flash Fiction
  • ENGL 460: Humor Writing
  • 英语460:创意非小说工作坊
  • ENGL 451: Publishing Practicum
  • 非裔美国人文学
  • 英美诗歌
  • ENGL 431: 19th Century American Literature
  • ENGL 422: Modern & Contemporary Drama
  • ENGL 415: Victorian Literature
  • 英语412:莎士比亚的悲剧
  • 英语411:莎士比亚的喜剧 & Histories
  • 英语410:英国文艺复兴文学
  • 美国现实主义:种族/阶级/性别/地方
  • 英国哥特小说
  • ENGL 400: Woolf & Joyce
  • ENGL 400: Bob Dylan
  • ENGL 400: Jane Austen

English majors are encouraged to assume responsibility for their education by developing a course of study based on their goals in consultation with a faculty advisor.


  • 一门200级的文学课(知识领域“A”)
  • 英国文学概论1
  • 英国文学概论2
  • 美国文学概览
  • engl328文学艺术语言
  • 400级写作和文学课程26学分 for a total of 44 credits.

注意:英语450:独立学习不计入专业. ENGL 496:英语荣誉论文可计入专业. Also, the Division of English strongly recommends that English majors complete the intermediate level of a foreign language. Students may count one literature course (300-level or above) taken in a foreign language toward the English major.

除了满足英语专业的要求外, 以及文学院 & Sciences general education requirements学生必须完成学院的课程 第一年经验计划或转学生计划.


任何非盟学生都可以选择英语双学位. To earn an English double major, take all courses listed below, totaling 44 credits.

Learn more about Double Majors

  • 一门200级的文学课(A类知识)(4学分)
  • ENGL 325英国文学概览I(3学分)
  • 英国文学概览II(3学分)
  • ENGL 327美国文学概览(4学分)
  • ENGL 328文学艺术语言(4学分)
  • 400级写作和文学课程26学分
  • 任何200级的英语写作或文学课程
  • 英国文学概论1 & II
    or 美国文学概览
    or engl328文学艺术语言
  • 10-12 credits of 400-level writing and/or literature coursework in English for a total of 20 credits


英语课也提供辅修课程 Writing and Literature.

Each student in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences must demonstrate writing competency through the successful completion of ENGL 102 or an equivalent (as approved by the English Division faculty). 取决于高考成绩, 学生被安排在适当水平的写作课程. Normally students enroll in ENGL 101 and 102 in their first year in the College.

取得以下成绩的学生必须同时参加ENGL 101和ENGL 102:

  • SAT Reading & Writing 539 or lower
  • ACT English 25 or lower


  • SAT Reading & Writing 540-739
  • ACT English 26-29

取得以下成绩的学生可免修英语101和102, 具备大学水平的写作能力;

  • SAT Reading & Writing 740 or higher
  • ACT English 30 or higher

Students who have not taken the SAT or ACT but would like to take an optional written communication placement test should contact the division chair, Dr. Melissa Ryan. Students without test scores who do not take the placement test will be placed into ENGL 101.

AP Credits

Students who score a 4 on the AP English Language and Composition or AP English Literature and Composition test earn credit for ENGL 101 (4 credits) and should begin with ENGL 102.
Students who score a 5 on the AP English Language and Composition or AP English Literature and Composition test earn credit for ENGL 101 (4 credits) and 2 additional elective credits. 他们也应该从engl102开始.


All high school seniors and juniors are encouraged to participate in the competition for this scholarship. 第一名获得者将获得1美元的奖学金,000 for each of the four years at Alfred University provided they enter the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and maintain a minimum of 3.0 index each year.

而每年只颁发一个奖学金, first-, second- and third-place entrants will receive prizes intended to help them begin their college careers. 除了奖学金外,第一名还将获得50美元的巴恩斯奖 & Noble gift card, and the second- and third-place winners receive $25 gift cards. These prizes will be awarded regardless of whether the winning students decide to attend Alfred University.

These awards, 这是为了纪念在线赌博英语系的一位前成员, both recognize promising young writers and demonstrate our campus-wide commitment to writing excellence.


  1. 参赛作品必须符合以下两个类别:
    • Creative writing: 4 poems or a short story or a play, or a mixture of these genres.
    • 说明文:一篇批评文章或个人文章.
  2. Partial or incomplete manuscripts (missing either items from part 1 above) will be disqualified.
  3. 稿件不应超过12页.
  4. 参赛作品必须以双倍行距输入.
  5. The portfolio must include a statement from the student's English teacher certifying the originality of the work.
  6. Entries can be submitted via USPS or email (with a scan of the certification of originality). The portfolio must be postmarked or emailed by March 31, 2024, and should be sent to:

    English Division
    Alfred University
    1 Saxon Drive
    Alfred, New York 14802

    or Email Your Submission

  7. Your name, address, email address, home phone, high school name, guidance counselor address, 电话号码必须包括在你的参赛作品中(你可以使用这个) Tupper Entry Form Cover Letter).
  8. 英语教师将评判所有参赛作品.
  9. 所有获奖者将在四月初得到通知.

The purpose of this competition is to discover and reward excellence in writing. Alfred University, therefore, reserves the right not to make an award in any given year.

Questions? 邮件地址:英语部主席梅丽莎·瑞安 ryanm@mojahedin-enghelab.net,或致电在线赌博英语部 607-871-2256.

Students who choose English as a major often wonder what kind of work they will be qualified to do. Consider: employers are always looking for individuals who can think critically, respond intelligently, 分析和综合信息,沟通思想和观点, especially in writing.

The skills you develop as an English major provide a wide range of career opportunities in areas such as publishing, teaching, advertising, event planning, business management, editing and public relations. This isn’t to say that some additional education or experience won’t be needed, but this major will give you a decided advantage in whatever field you choose.

Recent graduates include:

  • Teacher- Teach for America
  • 制作协调员-号角电影
  • 自由撰稿人-白原时报
  • 新奥尔良人类家园建筑管理员
  • Teacher/Assistant Director of Day Camp – Nature’s Classroom/Worchester Craft Center
  • 系列助理-缅因大学法学院图书馆
  • Teaching Assistant – Head Start
  • 副经理-赫兹本地版
  • Instructor/Trainer; Assistant – Alfred University/Alfred Pharmacy
  • 美国红十字会-美国志愿队VISTA成员
  • 版权助理-企鹅集团(美国)有限公司.
  • Assistant Librarian – Burr & Burton Academy
  • 写作专家-康宁社区学院
  • 阅读/测试评估员- Kelly Services
  • Technical Writer – Rho, Inc.
  • 编辑-美国物理学会

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