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Jun 10 - Jun 14, All Day

June 10 - 14th Fracture Analysis & Failure Prevention of Glass and Ceramics

For those interested in increasing their expertise in the field of ceramics and glasses, or those just being introduced, short courses are a good option. Designed for professionals in the ceramics and glass industry, these intensive courses offer a chance to update your knowledge of the field in a short period of time. Courses range from detailed, in-depth examinations of very specific topics to broader introductory classes.

June 10 - 14, 2024 Fracture Analysis & Failure Prevention of Glass and Ceramics

Who Attends
Engineers, scientists and technicians interested in strength and fracture-mechanics testing, fracture issues related to process development or control, failure analysis (during production, testing, or service), and failure prevention. Class limit of 18.


Course Description
This course covers the examination and interpretation of markings on fracture-exposed surfaces of glasses, polycrystalline ceramics, and single crystals, and the analysis of crack systems, i.e., fractography. Further, it covers using fractography in failure analysis, strength testing, and fracture-mechanics testing. The mechanisms by which fracture markings are produced will be explained, and the information provided by the markings (e.g., in locating and identifying fracture origins and in estimating stress at failure) will be emphasized. Observation and documentation techniques will be covered. The role of fracture analysis in failure prevention (i.e., ensuring mechanical reliability) is emphasized throughout the course. This is a hands-on course in which the students will view fractured glass and ceramic samples with stereographic optical microscopes and other tools. This year will be the 48th year the course has been offered. The course was started by Dr. Van Frechette in 1977.

The course is designed to meet the needs of people interested in glasses or ceramics. Most of the examples that will be examined by the participants early in the course will be glass specimens, since fracture markings are most clearly seen in glass. Ceramic examples and specimens will be covered in depth in the later days of the course. In-depth coverage will be provided on equipment, documentation, formal fractographic standards, and quantitative fractography, with an emphasis on determining the stress in the part at fracture. Ample time is devoted to covering grinding and machining flaws in glasses and ceramics, the fractography of polycrystalline and single crystal ceramics, fracture toughness determination, and Weibull strength correlations with fractographic analysis. Links between fractography and failure prevention are included in the discussions, case studies, and examples.

Course Outline
Fundamentals of fractography, explanations of fracture markings, examination of specimens, equipment for observation and documentation, fracture origins in glasses and ceramics, quantitative fractography in testing (strength, fracture mechanics) and failure analysis, examples of fracture in polycrystalline ceramics, and using fractography in failure prevention. Attendees may bring one or two specimens for after-class inspection. The course instructors will be available after class on Days 1, 2 and 4 for inspections of specimens. Attendees should bring a simple hand calculator and a laser pointer.

Schedule Outline: Extensive hands-on examination of specimens is dispersed throughout the entire 4.5 days of the course.

Days 1 and 2: Equipment and techniques, stress/strain basics, crack patterns (a first look), fracture markings (with hands-on examination of examples), fracture mechanics, stress corrosion, contact damage by particles, contact damage by grinding and machining, specimen reconstruction. (8:30 am-4:30 pm each day)

Day 3: Thermal-shock origins in glass, glue chipping, common conditions of failure, fracture mirror constant (definition and measurement) (8:30 am-12:00 pm) Note: Class participants will have the opportunity to visit the Corning Museum of Glass. The course instructors will not be available the afternoon of Day 3 for inspection of specimens.

Day 4: Further discussion of fracture mirrors, making and using replicas of fracture surfaces, fractographic standards, origins in ceramics, machining and grinding cracks in glasses and ceramics. (8:30 am-4:30 pm)

Day 5: Single crystals, Weibull strength analysis and fractography, case studies (8:30 am-12:30 pm)

Dr. James Varner is a Professor of Ceramic Engineering Emeritus at Alfred University. He received his PhD in Ceramics at Alfred University. His interest in fractography of glass and ceramics dates back to his senior thesis done under the supervision of Prof. Frechette. He continued this interest throughout his professional career. He has taught this course for over 25 years.

Dr. Jeffery J. Swab received a BS in Ceramic Science & Engineering from the Pennsylvania State University and his MS and PhD in Material Science & Engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute and SUNY-Stony Brook, respectively. He has been conducting fracture analysis on advanced ceramics for almost four decades. He organized and led the first and largest international round robin exercise on fractography of advanced ceramics and was the leader responsible for developing and publishing the world’s first fractography standard practice for ceramics (ASTM C1322).

Course Fee
The course fee is $1,995.00. We do not issue refunds, however you may substitute someone else from your company in your place. Fee includes: Course notes, Fractography of Ceramics and Glasses practice guide, one dinner, and three lunches.