Culture & Diversity

Land Acknowledgement Statement

Alfred University consciously and intentionally recognizes, 承认并尊重它坐落在Onöndowa ' ga '或“高山人民”的传统和祖先的土地上.” With a proud and rich history, the Seneca Nation of Indians, also known as the Keeper of the Western Door, 是构成豪德诺苏尼邦联的六个民族中最大和最西端的民族吗, a democratic government that pre-dates the United States Constitution.

This territory is covered by The Dish with One Spoon Treaty of Peace and Friendship, a pledge to peaceably share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes. It is also covered by the 1794 Treaty of Canandaigua, between the United States Government and the Six Nations Confederacy, 它肯定了美国和豪德诺索尼人的权利和主权.

Today, Alfred NY, 阿勒格尼县和整个纽约州仍然是塞内加人的家园,他们继续维护自己的部落主权. 他们作为这片土地的守护者和管家,同时积极维护自己的文化, ceremonies and languages on this territory. 通过承认这片土地,我们重申我们致力于让在线赌博对塞内加人和其他第一民族的需求承担更多责任. 我们感谢有机会在这里为原住民工作并与他们一起工作, as we pay our respects to our Seneca Nation relatives on their lands.

President's Committee on Diversity Statement - June 3, 2020

We feel crushing sadness over George Floyd’s heinous murder last Monday. We also share the hurt, anger, love, 在美国黑人遭受暴行之后,抗议者和示威者正在努力带来系统性变革. 我们有意识地认识到并承认,最近为乔治·弗洛伊德寻求正义的示威和抗议活动,是与许多其他不合理和可怕的黑人和布朗人死亡密切相关的愤怒和创伤的悲惨延续和延伸:埃里克·加纳, who also could not breathe; Michael Brown, whose hands were up; Philando Castile, who was reaching for his license; Breonna Taylor and Atatiana Jefferson, who were both killed in their homes; and far too many others.

Black men are 2.5 times more likely to be killed by police than White people are; Black women 1.4 times more likely. 这些差异反映了示威者抗议的更深层次的问题——黑人的生命在这个国家没有得到平等的重视. Such purposeful devaluation is at the heart of the Black Lives Matter movement. 在线赌博支持“黑人的命也是命”全球网络的使命:“治愈我们自己,也治愈彼此, and co-creating alongside comrades, allies, and family a culture where each person feels seen, heard, and supported.”

Alfred University is committed to educating our community, 积极承认和挑战偏见的潜在影响-在我们的社区以及更广泛的社会. We unequivocally condemn both historic and modern systemic racism, where bias and power have converged violently to oppress and suppress Black, Brown, 以及其他历史上被边缘化的人群——无论是以经济歧视的形式, reduced access to education and health care, 或者刑事司法系统对黑人和棕色人种不成比例的杀戮和监禁.

  • 在线赌博谴责乔治·弗洛伊德和所有其他被警察杀害的受害者.
  • 在线赌博支持并将在我们自己的机构开展隐性偏见培训.
  • 在线赌博支持对警察部门进行隐性偏见培训和显性偏见筛查.
  • 在线赌博致力于一个深思熟虑和有意的行动过程,以创造一个环境,我们将倾听, learn from, 积极地、持续地倡导公平和包容,放大这些声音, through programming, professional development, and philanthropic initiatives.

To promote meaningful opportunities for Alfred University students, faculty, and staff to protest the murder of George Floyd, we are inviting you to participate in the following community-initiated events:

  • 4 p.m. Thursday, June 4, Rally at the Village Bandstand
  • Friday, June 5, March (details TBA)

如果各位教职员工愿意和我们一起支持这些原则, 我们邀请您签署这一决议(下),以支持我们的学生和我们的使命.

我们也邀请您与我们联系,您可能有想法,我们可以在那里, listen to, learn from, and support our community members, especially those of color, during this challenging time while we seek to promote a more just community, on campus and beyond.

The President’s Committee on Diversity:

Kayla Colter ’20 (Co-Chair)
Beth Ann Dobie, Provost and Chief Operating Officer
Melissa Ryan, Professor, English
Robert Stein, Associate Professor, Social Sciences
Mark Zupan, President (Co-Chair)

Resolution June 3, 2020

We, the faculty and staff, as your teachers, mentors, and fellow members of the Alfred University community,

Condemn in no uncertain terms the dehumanization, brutalization, intimidation, and murder of Black and Brown individuals in American society;

向所有黑人和棕色人种社区的成员提供我们的同情和支持,他们的身体, emotional, and social burden continues to intensify;


认识到系统性的种族主义是一个长期存在的问题,并承诺无论我们如何界定种族主义,都要作为盟友与之斗争, ethnically, or ideologically;


Support dialogue that challenges us, 并提供了一个包容性的课程,为这些批判性的对话创造空间.


Signature Count: 146

Mark Zupan
Gary O. Roberts
G David Toot
Robert Reginio
Sarah Cote
Mallory Szymanski
Del Rey Honeycutt
Mark Guinan
Russ Phillips
Jodi Bailey
Valerie Daciw
Craig Yanni
Mike Moskowitz
Hope Marie Childers
Dr. Michele Lowry
Janna Buckwalter
Melissa Ryan
Vicky Gebel
Amy Button
Michele Hluchy
Ehsan Ghotbi
Katie Geens
Brianna Jacobs
Corey Fecteau
Maureen Weiss
Sandra Singer
Christopher Gause
Lauren Lake
Mark Lewis
Meghen Jones
Steven Bucklaew
Tom George
Jami Snyder
Daisy Wu
Mark Klingensmith
Mina Sedaghatjou
Pamela Schultz
Beth Johnson
Jeff Sluyter-Beltrao
Lou Lichtman
Brian Striker
Steve Byrne
Robert Stein
Allison Church
Kevin Curtin
Judy Linza
Gary Ostrower
Matthew Oakes
Holden Whitehead
Timothy Cox
Liam P. Glover
Lynn O'Connell
Chloe Hansen
Jennifer Lyons
Danielle Gagne
Jeff McDowell
Tamara Green
Susan Weit
Lacey Gosnell
Cecilia Beach
Dakota Pruiss
Lisa Sexsmith
Doris Möncke
Colleen Wahl
Mark Danes
Michael Riina
Nicole Bernsen
Deborah Finamore-Flint
Mary McAllister
Frederic Beaudry
Karen L. Porter
Jean Cardinale
Luanne Crosby
Lynn Petrillo
Zachary Hanm
S. K. Sundaram
Susan Mayberry
G. Douglas Clarke
Jean Ellefson
Nadine Shardlow
Brian Sullivan
Beth Ann Dobie
Judy Livingston
Dan Napolitano
Kristen Vargason
Brett Hunter
Tamara Kenney
Cory Bennett
Christine Heckle
Alexis Clare
Garrett McGowan
Laura Grove
Evan Linza
Tricia Debertolis
Emrys Westacott
Brian Saltsman
Nicole Munkwitz
Laura Souther
Nicholas Schlegel
Lisa Weaver
Andrew Makasziw
John D'Angelo
Kassie McCarn
Desmond Wallace
Andrew Kless
Andrew Eklund
Kayla Zimmer
Norm Pollard
Nancy Furlong
Mechele Romanchock
Joseph Kirtland
Laurie Lounsberry Meehan
Ellen Bahr
Susan Morehouse
Likin Simon Romero
Gerar Edizel
Mary McInnes
Stephanie McMahon
Bill Giese
Kerry Kautzman
Jeanne Marion
David DeGraff
Meredith Field
Susan Kowalczyk
Amanda Taylor
Marvela Guice-Van Dyke
Angeline Felber
Luis Rodriguez
Peter von Stackelberg
Robert Maiden
Amanda Khodorkovskaya
Rïse Peacock
Juliana Gray
Allen Grove
Bob Myers
Diana Maguire
Robyn Goodman
Becky Prophet
Jessica Doner
Shannon Yocum
Vicky Westacott
Kevin Adams
Matt Kelleher
Gabrielle Gaustad
Samantha Dannick
Kjersten McKinniss

Diversity Programs seeks to engage you in a supportive community where respect, activism, 通过新的体验,提高学生的领导能力和个人成长意识, cultural exposure, and education.

Mission Statement

Diversity Programs seeks to engage students in a supportive community where respect, activism, 通过新的体验,提高学生的领导能力和个人成长意识, cultural exposure, and education.



Diversity Programs is a branch of the Center for Student Involvement 这与以培养多元文化能力和理解为中心的学生组织密切合作. These groups generally focus on race, ethnicity, gender and sexuality.

Some examples include:

  • Umoja - Black Student Union
  • Poder Latino - Hispanic Heritage Organization
  • Students Advocating for Gender Equality
  • International Student and Scholar Organization
  • Spectrum - Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Ally Organization
  • Indigenous and Americans United - Native American Organization

多元化项目与偏见应对小组密切合作,纠正偏见行为, discrimination and bias.

如果你想举报影响阿尔弗雷德社区的歧视或偏见, please submit a report. Reports may be filed anonymously.

Submit A Report

唐纳德·特朗普总统于17年9月5日宣布,他将结束被称为“童年入境暂缓遣返”的行政命令, or DACA. Read a complete description of this announcement. We want to reaffirm that we are a welcoming university. 这里有一些资源,如果你可能受到这个决定的影响,我们欢迎你的联系.

Resource Library (stay tuned for additional resources as we collect them)


Recommendations for school administrators and counselors of undocumented students:
Dreamer's Road Map (App on iOS and Android)
Monthly Scholarship Lists

Which resources are in place that can be utilized?

  • If you are involved in, or witness, 暴力行为或威胁我们社区安全的事情:公共安全 607-871-2108
  • If you need assistance related to international student issues, contact Jonathan Kent
  • 如果你在校园里经历或目睹了偏见行为:偏见回应表格可在 MyAU; click “AU Report It.“事件可以匿名举报,但请注意,这限制了回应的范围.
  • If you have a need for confidentiality, the Counseling Center can provide it. 607-871-2300.